Global Equities

Drawing upon years of experience, our equity execution desk provides 24/6 live trading coverage across 80+ market venues. Our global execution team provides access to liquidity, execution services and unique market color and daily technical analysis. Our commitment to 100% agency only trading ensures our team is aligned with our client’s goals on every transaction we make. It also allows us to partner with best of breed execution technology and partners. We take Best Execution seriously and seek to provide our clients with access to liquidity and price improvement wherever possible and mitigating any perceived conflicts of interest.


Trading Desk

(312) 236-8907

Domestic Equities

Electronic algo trading and high touch cash execution services.

Cabrera Capital Markets prides itself on its distinct level of electronic and algorithmic trading services and quality of execution. Our experienced trading team works closely with our institutional clients and is dedicated to maximizing their trading effectiveness. Our traders work to ensure we provide optimize trading, enhanced trading options and reliable access to liquidity in an ever-evolving marketplace.

  • Sales and Trading Services
    • Single stock
    • Basket & Program trading
    • ETF’s
    • OTC and Pink Sheet
    • Lit and Dark liquidity access
    • BIDS Sponsor
    • Stock Repurchase
Access to industry leading Algo suites
Block, Basket and Program trading capabilities
Fully automated front to back trading platform

International Equities

Electronic algo trading and high touch cash execution services

Emphasizing small and mid-cap securities, leveraging our 60+ execution partners to source local and natural liquidity to provide superior executions and price improvement

  • International market access
    • With dedicated institutional traders across APAC, EMEA, LatAm and Emerging Markets, our global execution team covers a wide range of investment products. Across multiple currencies and is well-equipped to execute, settle and clear international securities transactions in all major, and most emerging and frontier markets.
  • Single stock, ADRs, GDRs
  • Basket & Program trading
  • “White label” of select algo suites
  • Lit and Dark liquidity access
  • BIDS Sponsor
24/6 real-time trading coverage globally
Dedicated traders per region, including LatAm, Emerging and Frontier markets
Emphasis on access to small and mid-cap liquidity


State of the art trading platform providing ability to produce pre and post trade analytics and liquidity profile.

  • Transaction Cost analytics
  • Daily technical analysis and market color
    • Daily Equity Game Plan – technical analysis

Compliance &
Risk Management

Compliance and risk management are at the heart of the Cabrera equity trading platform. Leveraging an “active alert” system, we real-time monitor client trading positions, notional buying power as well as per trade limits to eliminate fat finger entries and erroneous orders.

  • Regulatory reports
  • Best Execution Policy

Directed Brokerage

Commission Recapture Programs

Cabrera Capital Markets provides cost containment programs and ideal solutions for both pension fund managers and municipal agencies. Our Commission Recapture Program and Directed Brokerage Programs convert existing liabilities into ongoing assets, both improving a fund’s cash flow and reducing its expenses. Our trading desk maintains flexibility by offering a broad array of execution alternatives for investment managers. Cabrera has entered into trading arrangements with several of the nation’s largest brokerage firms to provide such services. These arrangements give our clients the advantage of placing trades directly with their regular traders at their respective firms.

